XAMPP is very easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl
Apache 2.4.7, MySQL 5.6.14, PHP 5.5.6, phpMyAdmin 4.0.9, OpenSSL 1.0.1, XAMPP Control Panel 3.2.1, Webalizer 2.23-04, Mercury Mail Transport System v4.62, FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.41, Tomcat 7.0.42.
Download the XAMPP latest version from the url : https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
Copy and Paste the xampp-win32-1.8.3-2-VC11.zip file under C:/ directory and exacted the archive file name should be under ‘C:/Xampp (You will be store in any dirve as you like, C, or D), once clicked a ”xampp-control” executable icon control panel showing there.
Start the services click on start button which is do you need services.
Apache server pointing to port 80 and MySQL pointing to port 3306.
Install in Windows 8 or Windows 7 operating System: Incase if you are using Windows xp or windows 7 operating system you have to check the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable package from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5582. Please ensure that the VC++ 2008 runtime libraries are installed on your system.
Configure memcached :
Memcache module provides handy procedural and object oriented interface to memcached highly effective caching and its task is decrease database load in dynamic web application
Go to your php.ini file usually located in C:/xampp/php/php.ini find this line
If unable to find it you can add the line without semi colon(; it’s a command line in php.ini)
Add the following below line in same file
memcache.allow_failover = 1
memcache.chunk_size =8192
memcache.default_port = 11211
Download the necessary php_memecache.dll file from the following location.
Paste the .dll file in C:\xampp\php\ext
Download and Install the necessary memcache.exe files for windows, before downloading make sure it’s the Win32 binary and xmapp version (CV11-x86 or vc9-x86)
unzip and put the memcache.exe file into any desired directory (e.g. c:/memcached/)I have chosen ‘C Drive’.
Open the cmd prompt with “Run as Administrator” level and execute the line to install
net start "memcached server"
Open control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> Memcached start the services
Restart Memcached:
Open the cmd prompt with “Run as Administrator” level,
The memcached service is starting.
The memcached service was started successfully.
C:\Windows\system32> net stop “memcached”
The memcached service is stopping.
The memcached service was stopped successfully.
Finally restart the XAMPP and check it if memcahced configure in php by phpinfo(); .

Error :
Note : If you get an warning message while installing memecached that version does not match with XAMPP version so choose correct version.

but you did not tell us where to get the memcache.exe file from, you only told us where to get the dll file.