If you may have receives an error like The command could not be located because '/sbin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
While do execute the command ifconfig shows the below output,
root#thelinuxfaq# ifconfig
Command 'ifconfig' is available in '/sbin/ifconfig'
The command could not be located because '/sbin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
This is most likely caused by the lack of administrative privileges associated with your user account.
ifconfig: command not found
Which meant ifconfig couldn't found in sbin location, there are two things need to do, one is install ifconfig or check your Environment path,
Set environment path using below command,
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
If you want to set it permanently append this line in your .bashrc file.
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