This post gives you instructions to download and install the latest release of SaltStack 2016.11(Latest) version in  on REDHAT / CentOS 6

Execute the below command to import the SaltStack 2016.11.3 repository key,

$ sudo yum install

Execute the following command,

$ sudo yum clean expire-cache

Now, install the SaltStack 2016.11(Latest) packages on REDHAT / CentOS 6
salt-minion, salt-master or other salt components,

$ sudo yum install salt-master

$ sudo yum install salt-minion

$ sudo yum install salt-ssh

$ sudo yum install salt-syndic

$ sudo yum install salt-cloud

$ sudo yum install salt-api

Start or Stop the above services,

$ sudo service [Salt-*] start

$ sudo service [Salt-*] stop

Restart all the upgraded services(Upgrade Only)

$ sudo systemctl restart salt-minion