Sometimes shows the below error when you create a new host account in WHM panel,
"Account Creation Status: failed Sorry, a DNS entry for already exists, please delete it first (from all servers in the dns cluster)"
The unusual scenario is, that domain was recently terminated or removed from the cPanel, but unfortunately the DNS Zone entry already exist for this domain.
We can easily remove the DNS Zone entry from WHM Panel,
Just follow the below steps to fix it.
Login into your WHM panel with root privilege
Go to Main >> DNS Functions >> Delete a DNS Zone
(or just type the “Delete a DNS Zone” on Left side search box)
Find the DNS Entry for that particular domain and click on Delete button for example refer the below images,

Again click on 'Delete' Button,

You can view the output :
Zones Removed: => deleted from host22. Removal Complete
Note: Including you must be verify in httpd.conf file in apache server may be added as an addon domain or parked domain.
# vim /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Once upated the httpd.conf file you have to restart the apache server.
# /etc/init.d/httpd.restart
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