Sometimes your server frequently getting overload by cpanellogd running continuously like,

Check the status of cpanellogd process using ps command,

#ps aux | grep cpanellogd
root      364948  5.6  0.6 151076 28352 ?        DN   10:31   0:24 cpanellogd - rrd process for creative
root      367141  0.0  0.0   6388   724 pts/3    S+   10:38   0:00 grep cpanellogd
root      988972  0.0  0.0  27124  3172 ?        SN   Jun10   0:00 cpanellogd - updating bandwidth

Its updating user access logs for viewing statistics like, Bandwidth usages, number of unique visitors, pages, IP Address, Browsers.

Then, we have to set time schedule for statistic process in WHM Panel

Login into your WHM Panel with root privilege

On search box enter the  “Statistics Software Configuration” click on “Configure  Statistic process time schedule

root@host3 [~]# ps aux | grep cpanellogd
root      777008  0.0  0.0   6392   668 pts/3    S+   10:39   0:00 grep cpanellod
root      827317  0.0  0.0  27112  3068 ?        SN   Jun10   0:00 cpanellogd - sleeping for logs

Now, the cpanellogd sleeping at selected times only.