To avoid including unwanted paths in a zip file while using the pushd and popd commands, you can change the working directory temporarily and execute the zip command from within that directory. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Open your terminal or command prompt.

2. Navigate to the directory that contains the files you want to include in the zip file. Let's call this directory the "source directory."

3. Determine the destination directory for the zip file. This is where you want the zip file to be created. Navigate to this directory using the cd command.

4. Once you are in the destination directory, execute the following commands:

pushd /path/to/source/directory
zip -r /path/to/destination/ .

Here's what each step does:

pushd /path/to/source/directory: This command temporarily changes the current directory to the source directory. It also saves the current directory onto a stack.

zip -r /path/to/destination/ .: This command creates a zip file named "" in the destination directory. The -r flag tells the zip command to recursively include all files and directories. The . at the end ensures that all files and directories in the current directory are included in the zip file.

popd: This command restores the previous directory (the destination directory) by popping it from the stack.

By using pushd and popd, you ensure that the zip command is executed in the desired source directory while keeping the destination directory unchanged. This way, unwanted paths are avoided in the zip file.