gRPC is a high-performance open-source framework for remote procedure calls (RPCs). It uses Protocol Buffers, a language-agnostic data serialization format, and provides support for various programming languages and platforms, including Node.js.

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Sometimes Node.Js struggle with serving static content such as images and Javascript files and load balancing across multiple server. Using Nginx as a reverse proxy for a Node.js server can improve performance, scalability, security, and manageability of your application.

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Bower and npm are both package managers for front-end web development, but there are some differences between them. Bower requires both Node.js and Git to be installed, while npm only requires Node.js. This means that npm is easier to install and set up.

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In JavaScript, null and undefined are both special values that represent the absence of a value, but they are different in their meaning and behavior.

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To store objects in HTML5 localStorage or sessionStorage, you need to first convert the object to a string using JSON.stringify() and then store it as a string. When you want to retrieve the object, you can use JSON.parse() to convert the string back to an object.

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In JavaScript, "let" and "var" are used to declare variables, but they differ in their scoping and hoisting behavior. Let us see the difference between let and var with example.

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Both call and apply are methods in JavaScript that can be used to invoke a function with a specified this value and a list of arguments. However, they differ in how they pass arguments to the function.

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