Docker-compose allow the user want to execute multiple commands at the time in a Docker-compose.yml file. There are two ways to do this, either using sh or bash.

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Here we are going to learn about to the stopping command for Docker-Compose. Compose tool is used to define and run multi-container in Docker applications. With Compose, we can define the services that need to run in a YAML file.

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This post will explain you to how to know the mapped port of the certain container in docker. If you want to know the port that is mapped into the container.

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Containers does not publish any of its ports to the outside world. Sometimes we need the ports outside the Docker Container.

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When start the Elasticsearch in a Docker container in Linux instance generated an error like, Bootstrap Check Failure 1 max Virtual Memory Areas vm.max_map_count in Docker.

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Now we are going to learn about how to establish Django Application in inside the Docker Container. Docker is basically a toolkit that permit developers to build, deploy, run, update, and stop containers using simple and easy commands and work-saving.

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MongoDB is available in community package NoSQL database management program and document-oriended database that used for high volume data storage and alternative to traditional relation databases instead of using tables and rows. this is really use for large set of databases also makes use of collections and documents. The collections

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