SCP or Secure Copy Protocol is an SSH-based protocol that permits sharing of files between remote devices. SCP allows you to send and receive file from and to a local device or between remote devices.

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However, in some cases, you may want to disable this check, such as when you are running Ansible playbooks against a large number of servers with changing SSH keys.

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To run a command on an Ansible host, you can use the command module in an Ansible playbook. Lets see how to runs the hostname command on a remote host:

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If you have so many tasks in your Ansible playbook, sometimes we need to run the specific task without whole playbook. It is possible to run only one task in an Ansible playbook with the help of "--tags" option followed by the name of the specific tag associated with the task.

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Creating a directory is a recurrent operation. This requires when working like installing the application, taking backup and restoration, managing the user’s home directory, allocate a portion to a folder for a specific purpose. You can create a directory using Ansible's built-in file module. &NewLi

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To find all files containing specific text (string) on Linux, you can use the grep command with the -r (recursive) option. The grep command searches through the file, looking for matches to the pattern specified.

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Prompts are used get the output based on the user input. You can use the read command in your Linux shell script to prompt for Yes/No/Cancel input from the user.

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