MongoDB is available in community package NoSQL database management program and document-oriended database that used for high volume data storage and alternative to traditional relation databases instead of using tables and rows. this is really use for large set of databases also makes use of collections and documents. The collections

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Would reduce unnecessary disk space from log files in your system if you use LogRotate. On this post-configure MongoDB log files, site MongoDB 3.0 you can change the behaviour logRotate parameter for MongoDB.

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Authentication key file in MongoDB really useful to secure the database in a Replica set, there are two major things,

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MongoDB service could not start or if you may get any errors, you might read to mongo log file using tail or less command.

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If you want to enable authentication on a replica set or a sharded cluster, members of the replica set or the sharded clusters must provide credentials to authenticate

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We can find out total number connection to be established in MongoDB using the commands,

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On the last post described to install mongoDB 3.0.X version, the following steps are install 3.2.6 with easy way,

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