NVM (Node Version Manager) is a useful tool for managing multiple versions of Node.js on a single machine. To set a default Node.js version, you can use the command: nvm alias default .

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The nvm install latest -npm command installs the latest version of Node.js along with the latest version of npm. If you want to install a specific version of npm, you can use the npm option followed by the version number.

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You can access executables from a package installed locally in node_modules from local binary directories with npm bin and PATH command. You can also use the npx command to run executables from a locally installed package.

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While you install a new node version using nvm and then used npm to install yarn, you need to reinstall the yarn for the new node version.

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Bower and npm are both package managers for front-end web development, but there are some differences between them. Bower requires both Node.js and Git to be installed, while npm only requires Node.js. This means that npm is easier to install and set up.

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When you install Node.js modules using npm, they are placed in the node_modules directory of your project, which is located in the same directory as your package.json file. You can navigate to this directory using the command line.

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The package-lock.json file is used to lock down the exact versions of the package dependencies that are installed in your project. It ensures that your project is using the same versions of the dependencies on all machines, regardless of the version ranges specified in the package.json file.

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