Unfortunately, If you are forgotten the Apex Admin password on oracle server. We can be reset it again with new password,

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This post describe about Oracle basic commands like, login, User password reset, User access lock and Unlock and others.

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Have updated some configuration in Oracle server, Once its done just tried to restart Oracle Server. Shows an error when start SQL server using startup command,

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OCI8 extension is very useful for access Oracle databases. This can be linked with Oracle client libraries.

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When you start up your database oracle 11g R2 shows the error MEMORY TARGET not supported on this system because of tried to use Automatic Memory Management.

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By default the database log mode set to NOARCHIVELOG if you have installed oracle through the Typical installation. We can also change to Archive mode log.

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We have already discussed about Oracle 11G version installation steps, this post describes how to give remote access to Oracle 11.2g,

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